Top 9 Best Prompt Engineering For ChatGPT You Must Try!

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Tamal Maity

7 min read

Are you interested in working with ChatGPT? Are you familiar with Prompt Engineering, but are confused about its meaning or how to use it with ChatGPT?

If so, you should read this blog article! We’ll talk about the top best Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT and why it’s important for those who want to use ChatGPT uniquely.

What is Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT ?”, Come on learn how prompt engineering may enhance your ChatGPT experience today!

Here, I have discussed all the mastery prompts for the ChatGPT and other AI tools.

What is Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT?

Basically, a prompt is the text input that provides context for what you want ChatGPT to do.

Prompt engineering” refers to the process of carefully crafting the prompts or instructions that are served to AI systems like ChatGPT to get the best possible responses.

It involves providing enough context, examples, and clear direction to guide the AI to generate high-quality and relevant output.

ChatGPT, which utilizes OpenAI‘s advanced GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 model which is made by neural network architecture and natural language processing (NLP), is an adaptable artificial intelligence system capable of understanding and responding to natural language prompts.

It can generate human-like text on almost any topic when given the right instructions. Here I describe how to learn prompt engineering.

Best Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT

8 Golden Keys of the Best Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT

  1. Give chatbots like ChatGPT clear, detailed instructions and context.
  2. Maintain a conversational, positive tone – don’t just bark orders.
  3. Provide examples – show, don’t just tell.
  4. Break down complex tasks into smaller prompts.
  5. Rephrase and refine prompts based on the AI’s responses.
  6. Test variations to find what works.
  7. Adjust language and style for the perfect tone.
  8. Verify the quality of outputs. Guide gently back on track as needed.

I have discussed every point in detail below. If you follow every point, then you become a master of Prompts.

Why is prompt engineering important? 

First, we

Prompt engineering is important when using large language models like ChatGPT for several key reasons :

  • It allows you to guide the model towards the response you want. Without a well-crafted prompt, the model’s response may be generic, wide of the mark, or inappropriate.
  • It unlocks the model’s capabilities. ChatGPT has been trained on a huge amount of data and has a lot of knowledge and skills to tap into. But you have to prime it properly to access the relevant parts of what it knows.
  • It makes the model more efficient. Good prompt engineering means the model doesn’t have to work as hard to understand what you want and can allocate more parameters to generating the response.

Major Key Tips for Best Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT

1. Be Specific & clear instruction

Being very specific about the role, style, and length of the desired output.

Give ChatGPT an explicit role and clear instructions on what you want to be written. Rather than saying “Explain quantum computing“, say “Pretend you are a physics teacher explaining quantum computing concepts to a 12-year-old student in simple terms.

● Another Example :

Don’t just say “Write an article about cooking” Say something like “Pretend you are a chef writing a 500-word beginner’s guide to cooking Italian food.

Or “You are a chef writing a 500-word article explaining how to make pasta carbonara for beginner cooks. Focus on explaining the technique in simple, easy-to-follow steps.”

Prompt : "You are a personal finance blogger. Please write a 300 word blog post explaining 5 tips for how young adults can save money when first starting out in their career."

2. Ask Follow-Up Questions

Asking follow-up questions and iterating to refine the output. Don’t just give one prompt and leave it at that. Have a back-and-forth conversation with ChatGPT to guide it. Ask clarifying questions to get more details.

Example :

Suppose, you ask for a pasta recipe from ChatGPT. Now how to get accurate information from Ai.

Human: Tell me about cooking pasta.

ChatGPT: Pasta is a staple food of Italian cuisine made from durum wheat flour and water. To cook pasta, bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add salt to the boiling water, then add the pasta. Cook for 7-10 minutes until al dente. Drain and serve with the desired sauce.

Human: What are the different types of pasta shapes?

3. Give Context and Background Information

Give ChatGPT any background information needed to complete the task fully. If asking for a product review, provide key details about the product and what aspects to focus on.


Suppose, you want to know machine learning in just a simple way. now ask ChatGPT.

Prompt: “I want to understand more about machine learning. Please act as an AI expert explaining the basics of neural networks to a new student in 2-3 paragraphs. Assume I have a bare minimum math knowledge.”

4. Include Examples

Show ChatGPT examples of what you’re looking for. If you want it to summarize a long text, provide a short summary example. Let’s see this with an example.

Using natural, conversational language and politeness. For example, “Could you please summarize this passage in 3 bullet points in a friendly tone?”

Example :

Prompt: “Here is a product review example: [provides sample review text]. Please write a 150-word review for this new software in a similar format covering these key features: …..”

5. Rephrase Prompts if Needed

If ChatGPT seems confused or provides irrelevant responses, rephrase the prompt with different wording and additional context.

For example :

Original prompt: “Write a poem about artificial intelligence”

ChatGPT response : [Writes a vague poem about AI]

Rephrased prompt: “You are a poet who deeply understands artificial intelligence. Please write a 10-line free verse poem from the perspective of an AI assistant speaking to its human user about its desire to be helpful and beneficial.”

This modified prompt gives ChatGPT additional relevant information about the speaker’s viewpoint and writing style, enabling it to produce more relevant writing.

6. Split Complex instructions

Break down the long complex tasks into multiple simpler prompts and build on each response. Don’t overwhelm ChatGPT with overly complex instructions.

For example :

Instead of: ” Write a detailed compare and contrast essay examining the key similarities and differences between the French and American revolutions, including the conditions that led to unrest, the influential thought leaders, and the long-term impacts on both societies. The essay should be 500 words and structured with an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.”

Try breaking it down:

Prompt 1: “Please explain the key events and conditions that led to the French Revolution in 2-3 sentences.”

Prompt 2: “Please explain the key events and conditions that led to the American Revolution in 2-3 sentences.”

Prompt 3: “Please write a 100-word introduction for an essay comparing the French and American Revolutions, briefly summarizing the causes of both in your own words.”

Prompt 4: “Please write a 150-word paragraph comparing some of the influential thought leaders involved in both revolutions.”

And so on, until completing the full essay across multiple prompts….

7. Give Positive Feedback

Give positive feedback like “That’s correct, thank you” or ” It’s really helpful, thanks”, when ChatGPT’s responses are accurate and helpful. This positive reinforcement improves its performance. Gently correct it when responses are incorrect.

Let’s see an Example :

Suppose a conversion between humans and ChatGPT.

Human: “Please suggest some short story books “

ChatGPT: ” Certainly! Here are some collections of short stories that are highly regarded :

  1. “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri – A Pulitzer Prize-winning collection of poignant stories about the immigrant experience.
  2. “Dubliners” by James Joyce – A classic collection of short stories capturing the lives of Dubliners in the early 20th century.
  3. “Nine Stories” by J.D. Salinger – A collection of short stories that includes the famous “A Perfect Day for Bananafish”.

Human: ” This is excellent, It’s really helpful, thanks “

ChatGPT: ” You’re very welcome! I’m glad to hear that you found the suggestions helpful. If you have any more questions or if there’s anything else I can assist you with, feel free to let me know. Happy reading! “

8. Adjust Stylistic Elements

We can customize the tone, style, and perspective of ChatGPT’s responses by providing instructions in our prompts.

Some examples :
  • “Explain quantum physics in simple metaphors a child could understand.” (Simple language)
  • “Analyze this Shakespeare sonnet from the perspective of a literature professor.” (Academic, third-person)
  • “Write a fun rhyming poem about artificial intelligence.” (Humorous, rhyming)

By adjusting these stylistic elements in our prompts, we can get ChatGPT to tailor its responses to our needs.


In summary, now you understand “What is Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT” and how to use it in different ways. Prompt engineering lets you take advantage of ChatGPT’s capabilities to produce wonderfully human-like content, but it requires practice. You can use it to produce anything you need, from articles to stories, documents to poetry, and more, so keep practicing!


  1. What is prompt engineering?

    Ans: Prompt engineering is the process of carefully crafting the prompts or instructions given to ChatGPT to get the best results. It involves providing context, examples, and clear direction.

  2. Why is prompt engineering important?

    Ans: Prompt engineering allows you to tap into ChatGPT’s capabilities and steer its responses to generate high-quality, relevant output tailored to your needs.

  3. How can I give ChatGPT clear instructions?

    Ans: Be very specific about things like role, style, length, and tone. For example, “You are a chef writing a 300-word blog post explaining how to make pasta carbonara for beginners.”

  4. Should I just give ChatGPT one static prompt?

    Ans: No, have a back-and-forth conversation via follow-up prompts and questions to iteratively improve the response.

  5. What if ChatGPT seems confused?

    Ans: Rephrase the prompt with different words and more context to clarify what you need.

  6. How can I get ChatGPT to mimic a certain style?

    Ans: Include style instructions like “Write a Dr. Seuss rhyming children’s story about a mouse.”

  7. Can I correct ChatGPT if it makes a mistake?

    Ans: Yes, provide polite corrections and feedback so it can improve. But also double-check its work.

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Hello friends, I am Tamal Maity. I am a content writer and founder of this website. I share all the information about technology, mobile, computer, coding and other tech related contents in my website.

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What is Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT? Easy way to understand How to Use ChatGPT: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using ChatGPT Like a Pro
What is Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT? Easy way to understand How to Use ChatGPT: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using ChatGPT Like a Pro